Last updated
Last updated
Click on "Settings
", then click on "Basic Info
". Modify the relevant information and click "Save
Please note that if your project has been verified, the X account cannot be changed.
Change your categories; if you want to remove one of categories, click "x" icon.
If you prefer your community to be a closed ecosystem, which means that it is not exposed on any community discovery pages and only those who know the community link can visit and join, you can set your community to be private through the settings.
After all setting are done, click on "Save
The community team member feature facilitates collaboration within project teams. Team members can assist project teams in creating and managing quests, events, referrals, and more.
Click on "Settings
", and click on "Team members
Click on "Add Team member".
Currently, there are four ways to add space operators: X
, Discord
, Email
, and Wallet Address
. Please choose your preferred method.
Click on "X", and enter the name and x handle
Click on "Save".
Click on "Discord
", and enter the the name and discord account id.
Click on "Save
Click on Email, and enter the name and the email address.
Click on "Save".
Address Click on "Wallet Address", and enter the name.
Choose Networks
Enter the wallet address, then click on "Save".