Task Sector
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Last updated
The Task page consists of three main modules: Task Sector
, Task Templates
, and Task List
Organize all your tasks into Sector
to facilitate community member participation.
The powerful functionality of "Sector" lies in its ability to efficiently manage the tasks you create, allowing users to quickly locate and complete their desired tasks when entering your community. Maximizing the use of "Sector" helps establish a clear user guidance path
, categorizing tasks in a structured manner, from simple to complex, and guiding users through a progressive and immersive experience with your product.
TaskOn supports adding
, deleting
, renaming
, and moving
Adding: Click the "+", enter the sector's name, and it will be added.
Deleting: Select the sector you want to delete, click the "x”, and confirm the deletion.
If there are existing tasks under your sector, and you decide to delete it, the tasks will automatically be moved to the *Others.
Rename: Select the sector you want to modify, and enter the new name.
Moving: Drag and drop the selected sector to the desired location.
If you want to provide explanations for your sectors to help users quickly understand the purpose of each sector in your community, switch on the button "Sector Guide
" and enter descriptive text.
This guide will assist users in efficiently navigating and finding tasks that meet their needs while experiencing your community.
You will notice that the sector named *Others
cannot be renamed or deleted.
If you create a task without assigning it to a specific sector, the task will automatically be categorized under the *Others sector.
In Task List
, choose the task
Click on the top-right corner.
Click on "Move to
Choose Sector, and click on "Confirm
Offer a variety of task templates, both on-chain
and off-chain
, to easily create tasks for your community.
Manage the status
of your tasks.