
Quests presents you with a prime opportunity to focus, immerse yourself, and efficiently complete tasks. Curated meticulously by project owners, quest is a collection of tasks within a time-limited activity. Within the designated timeframe, completing as many tasks as possible earns you points, providing a chance to win quest rewards. These rewards are diverse, ranging from Whitelists, NFTs, Discord Roles, and more, all distributed by the community. They serve as a robust testament to your contributions within the community

Getting Started

  1. On the Quest recommendation page, select the quests you are interested in participating in, and you can also view quests by using filters.

  1. After entering specified quest page, you can see the quest details.

    Duration, Your Rankings and Claimed Points, Task List, Distribution Type, Rewards, Winners.

  1. Complete the specified tasks according to the task list and verify them.

  1. When you have completed all tasks, click on "Complete".

If you are participating in "FCFS" and "Real-Time" quests, you only need to complete the tasks to receive rewards.

Regarding the award distribution method and the winner selection criteria, you can check the quest details.

Check Winner List

If you win the rewards, in the notification, you will receive the notes.

You also check the winner list on the detailed campaign page.

Last updated